I have been very fortunate to live with the physical pain that I see so many of my contemporaries deal with on a daily basis. My pain if I have any tends to be more emotional when I feel disconnected somehow from friends and family for whatever reason. It is not really a loss more and that others get busy and we just don't connect. I feel sad when that happens and that can be painful.

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Thanks for sharing this Elizabeth. I know the pain of feeling disconnected, as well. I think the notion of pain as spiritual growth applies whether the source is physical or emotional. If you work these questions or exercise, I'd be interested in your thoughts. Anybody else identify?

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Thanks Carol. I agree. Spiritual growth is all part of the process and is how I get through the painful times. It is through grace and faith that my Spirit is Alive and Well . Thanks for this wonderful forum.

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Nice to see you here.

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I believe having done your exercise that my emotional pain makes worse any and all physical pain. Disconnection is such a big part since Covid and hasn’t recovered yet at least for me. In part I believe because it finally dawned on me that the superficial relationships I had which were toxic or only one sided - was my circle. This is a tough pill to swallow.

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