I have always loved my creature comforts. Anything to do with the senses has been something I have been very aware of....the smell of perfume, the taste of good food, the visual feasts of art and nature, the touch of something soft and luxurious....What I have missed though is the sound of water babbling or birds chirping. I lost my hearing when I was in my late teens. Not completely. Just enough to cut me off from a lot of the world around me. Now that I am growing old I find the simplest of things bring me such pleasure. What my mind misses, my heart holds close. The Spirit of my being is so aware of all that is around me now, even if I am not able to acknowledge it fully I can feel it in a way that captures the essence. That is the joy of growing old consciously.

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Beautifully written. I will keep this close to my heart! Thanks so much!

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Thanks Carol. You inspire me.

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