Q: When do I get study guides?
You will receive a new study guide the first Sunday morning (EST) of every week. This will allow you the full week to reflect upon the reading and do the spiritual exercises as well as to converse with other paid members online using the comment function.
Q: How can I check my membership status and troubleshoot related issues?
Please visit your account on the Substack web page and use the Help Center for answers to all your questions related to your paid subscriber account such as updating your credit card information, changing your subscription plan and related financial and technical issues. FYI, I provide the content for my publication while Substack is the publisher and handles the back-end membership status and payment questions directly with subscribers. That said, I am happy to help out where needed as I can.
Q: Is the conversation monitored?
We are a purposely small membership self-selecting to a hightened level of commitment through having made a financial pledge and agreeing to follow community guidelines. We will be supported by a team of volunteer member monitors who will assist me in keeping this a responsive and safe environment for sharing our reflections, challenges, strength and wisdom. Please review the guidelines HERE. Happily, even when we were free, the interactions were unilaterally respectful. That said, if you have a concern at any point that can’t be handled comfortably in the comment interaction online, you can always email me at corsborn@aol.com.
Q: Can I share the study guides with others?
You are welcome to discuss your reflections and responses to your personal study guide with others but please don’t copy or duplicate the study guides, themselves, to share with non-members. If you have questions regarding use of the copyrighted study guides in group settings, please contact me at Corsborn@aol.com.
Q: Are there particular meeting times or obligations?
There are no meetings or obligations. Just check your inbox every Sunday for your study guide, spiritual exercises and members-only online conversations available at your convenience 24/7 where we can converse in the comments section of every post. In addition, you will gain maximum benefit from the study guides and group conversations by getting your own copy of Spiritual Aging: Weekly Reflections for Embracing Life and reading along week by week as we go.
Q: Are there additional ways to participate?
We are part of a global movement that is changing aging from the grassroots up. Additional offerings range from the monthly webinar I’ll be leading on Zoom for Sage-ing International and Spirit of Sophia along with facilitator-led small SASS groups via our partner organizations to starting your own SASS with a few friends who are also members of our online group to meet up at your local coffee shop, living room or community center. If you are forming or leading your own Spiritual Aging Study and Support Group using my copyrighted materials, please contact me at Corsborn@aol.com to discuss.
Remember, aging can be a spiritual experience and regardless of our times and circumstances, 2025 can be a year of unprecedented growth and fulfillment. I’m so gratified to have you at my side as we grow older, wiser and fiercer together this year and beyond.
To ensure that you will receive the Spiritual Aging Study Guides throughout 2025 and converse online with fellow members, upgrade to paid here.