Greetings Old Soul, and Welcome to Carol Orsborn’s Spiritual Aging
“How you age is not a problem to be solved but a spiritual choice.”
Spiritual Aging is situated at the intersection of spirituality, psychology and conscious aging, supported by my 36 books, 30 years leading retreats for leading global organizations like Sage-ing International and a doctorate in religion specializing in adult and spiritual development and masters of theological studies from Vanderbilt University.
Join us and you will receive monthly posts about spirituality and aging, the Fierce with Age Digest featuring excerpts of both new and classic works and news updates. If you choose to upgrade, a pledge entitles you to membership in the Spiritual Aging Study and Support group. A small group of us have opted-in to assemble at Substack weekly making 2025 as a year of reflection by working through my new best-selling book together: Spiritual Aging: Weekly Reflections for Embracing Life (Inner Traditions, Dec. 2024.) Weekly, I post a study guide that expands and deepens that week’s reading in the book. There is a members-only conversation offering members the opportunity to share their reflections, questions, strength and wisdom available at your convenience 24/7. No meetings or obligations. If you would like to lead a group in your community, you are invited to join as a founding member, which we refer to as the Leader’s Circle. Please join us in making 2025 a year for growing older, wiser and fiercer.
I have been waiting for a forum like Substack to finally make interactive online study and support easy after years blogging at Next Avenue, Huffington Post and my own website offering 15 years of research, resources and writing about spiritual aging including a free self-guided retreat and the Fierce with Age Archives. (You can learn everything you need to know about me there.)
In addition to online participation at it is my hope that you will want to invite your friends to join you to meet in-person using my posts as a study guide. You can also join in on-going groups for live study and support at organizations like Spirit of Sophia and Sage-ing International by going to the Events tab at my website.
May we grow not only old but whole—and may we do so in the company of the like-minded woman and men of our generation who are coming into age together.
Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.