The emphasis of this week’s post “Forgiveness in Our Challenging Times” is forgiving ourselves and reality--and knowing that you are beloved unconditionally. As a result, your compassion organically deepens and your capacity for forgiving others expands. However, I want to add that none of this condones remaining passive in the face of indefensible acts nor resisting taking a stand for what you believe. To refuse to answer when you are called to act is neither forgiveness nor spirituality, but being complicit.
If and when you are faced with something unacceptable, you are called to take action. Action can be comprised of many components and definitions, some internal, some external. Before you act, take the time to make sure that you understand the true nature and timing of that to which you are being called to do rather than knee-jerk reactivity or revenge. And I will add that doing the work of spiritual aging, including this post, is an act of resistance. Our world needs its wise elders more than ever. That includes us, dear old souls.